Today, work will begin in the Kitimat River to refurbish an existing in-water intake for the LNG Canada Project.

As part of the LNG Canada plant design, water will be sourced from the Kitimat River and will be used for multiple areas of the project during both construction and operations.

In-water work consisting of refurbishment of the existing Eurocan intake structure and installation of new intake screens will be completed by installing a cofferdam around the intake structure, followed by dewatering of the area. A temporary pipe pile trestle will also be installed to allow access for installation of the cofferdam and log deflector structure.

Installation of the cofferdam and trestle is anticipated to take up to eight weeks to complete.

A turbidity curtain and boom has been installed around the work area. All permits, safety and environmental plans are in place.

What to expect
  • In-water work occurring between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., seven days per week.
  • Piling activities and periods of excessive noise.
  • Intermittent use of boats in the river.
  • Restricted public access in the work. Access past the work area will be maintained on the river.

For more information on the RWI pumphouse project, check out –

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