Further to our notification issued on March 11, 2020, regarding construction of new river water pumphouse begins this spring, we would like to provide you with a number of updates on this scope of work.

Canadian Navigable Waters Act submission

In-water works to refurbish an existing water intake in the Kitimat River for the LNG Canada Project is set to commence on May 20, 2020, and is expected to take approximately eight weeks to complete.

In preparation, JGC Fluor has made a submission to the Navigable Waters Registry (http://cps.canada.ca/), pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act, under registry number 1193.

The public comment period on our submission is now open and closes May 19, 2020. Any comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent by email to info@jfjvkitimat.com or call our community feedback line at 250-632-JFJV (5358).

We encourage comments as soon as possible, so they can be addressed prior to work starting. Please see attached image for the location of where work will occur.

Intermittent use of boats in Kitimat River

Beginning the first week of May, motorized vessels (boats) will be used intermittently in the Kitimat River to facilitate the refurbishment of an existing river water intake for the LNG Canada Project. This will include the installation and maintenance of a turbidity curtain/boom as well as a cofferdam around the intake.

Piling now underway

Piling activities are now underway. This includes test piling to confirm JFJV’s engineering assumptions for the performance of the piles in the geotechnical conditions in this work area and inform the types of piles that will be used as well as method of installation. Work will occur between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., seven days per week. Noise in the area is expected.

For more information about the LNG Canada Project, please check this website or our Facebook page – Facebook.com/jfjvkitimat.