Application for an Approval under the Provisions of the Environmental Management Act

We, LNG Canada Development Inc., 400 4th Avenue SW Calgary, AB, T2P 0J4, intend to submit this application to the Director to authorize the discharge of air emissions from an air curtain incinerator, which is proposed to be operated to burn clean wood waste generated by the construction of the LNG Canada Export Terminal Project.

The land upon which the Air Curtain Incinerator will be situated and the discharge will occur is Lot A District Lot 186 Range 5 Coast District Plan EPP74154, located near Kitimat, British Columbia, within the traditional territory of the Haisla Nation.

An air curtain incinerator is a pollution control device that reduces the particulate matter or smoke generated by burning wood waste. The operating period for this air curtain incinerator will be approximately five hours per week for a period of up to 15 months.

Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed discharge and wishes to provide relevant information may, within 30 days after the last date of posting, publishing, service or display, send written comments to the applicant, with a copy to Devin Scheck, Supervisor, Environmental Stewardship, BC Oil and Gas Commission, at Bag 2, Fort St. John, BC, B1J 2B0. The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in relation to this application will become part of the public record.

Dated this 17 day of August, 2021,  signed

Contact person:   Morganne Von Schleinitz

Email address: M.vonSchleinitz@lngcanada.ca

Phone: (778) 659-1072