Contractor/Supplier Registration Process

To be considered for any contracting and procurement opportunities with JGC Fluor (JFJV), there are 2 steps potential contractors and suppliers have to go through;

Download and complete our Introductory Questionnaire.

Return the Introductory Questionnaire and send any questions to: (Email for supply of goods) (Email for supply of services)

The information provided on the Introductory Questionnaire will be used to populate the JFJV contracting and procurement register, listing the organization’s contact information and their services and/or products.

Completing and submitting the Introductory Questionnaire does not pre-qualify an organization for procurement or subcontracting opportunities. Furthermore, being included in the contracting and procurement register does not guarantee receiving a purchasing request for quotation (RFQ) or a contracting request for proposal (RFP) from JFJV. However, JFJV is obligated to share the contracting and procurement register in RFPs with potential bidders for large scope opportunities for their use in exploring procurement or subcontracting opportunities with registered organizations.

If a subcontracting or purchasing opportunity is identified with JFJV, the organization will be contacted for additional information which may include a non-disclosure agreement and a comprehensive pre-qualification package to complete and submit.

JFJV is committed to making this project the safest on earth. All subcontractors must abide by the highest safety and ethical standards as prescribed in the  JFJV Business Conduct and Ethics Expectations document.


NOTICE: JGC Fluor (JFJV) is committed to unyielding integrity and the highest standard of business conduct. JFJV does not solicit advertising dollars from contractors or suppliers through publications, email or otherwise. Please report any suspicious activity or submit any questions or concerns to