KITIMAT, B.C. – Tree clearing, merchantable tree hauling, and woody debris management is underway for the LNG Canada Project. Merchantable trees are being harvested and remaining woody debris may be burned, or chipped, mulched, and spread at the site.

Open burning is expected to begin on or after March 8 and continue until late spring, weather dependent. Burn piles will consist of non-merchantable trees, branches, and other natural woody debris from the regulatory approved clearing activities.

Permits and authorizations are in place and local First Nations, governments, and first responders will be notified prior to the commencement of open burning.

Safety plans and other measures are in place. All burning will be carefully planned and monitored, including the timing; size and location of the burn piles, and the venting index.

Please direct all inquiries to or call the JFJV community feedback lines at 250-632-JFJV (5358) or 1-888-499-JFJV (5358)